If you are a member of the media and have a question or query relating to Daemen College and or our health sciences, business, liberal arts and other undergraduate and graduate academic programs, please contact mediarelations@daemen.edu and we will be in touch with you soon.

Apart, Together cover image
Jun 29, 2020
Apart, Together cover image

AMHERST, N.Y. -- A new virtual exhibition presented by Daemen College features artistic and literary works that represent student reactions to social distancing and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

RIC in spring
Jun 15, 2020
RIC in spring

AMHERST, N.Y. – Daemen College recently issued an official statement denouncing the murder of George Floyd and condemning acts of discrimination while calling for lasting changes in the fight against racial injustice.

Daemen Front Sign
Jun 15, 2020
Daemen Front Sign

AMHERST, N.Y. – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Daemen College has announced it will begin the fall semester as scheduled in September but will forgo fall break and transition to remote learning for the final two weeks of the semester.

Student Leader of the Year
Jun 1, 2020
Student Leader of the Year

AMHERST, N.Y. – Outstanding student leaders in clubs, organizations, and departments at Daemen College have been recognized in a virtual Student Leadership Awards ceremony presented in a specially created video.

Dinosaur Cannibals
May 28, 2020
Dinosaur Cannibals

AMHERST, N.Y. – Large Jurassic period theropod dinosaurs like Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus apparently turned to cannibalism when food was scarce, according to a new study co-authored by a Daemen College professor.

3 Oct
Thursday, October, 3 2024 |

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - John R. Yurtchuk Student Center, Social Room: Established in 1986, this annual reception recognizes graduates who have made a difference and highlights their achievements and societal contributions.

Daemen Voice

The Daemen Voice is Daemen University's electronic newsletter that highlights the latest news and events of interest to the college and external communities. It is distributed via email and published online.