Leadership & Innovation Virtual Info Sessions

Leadership & Innovation Virtual Info Sessions

Are you interested in advancing your career and making lasting change?

RSVP Today

Are you interested in advancing your career and making lasting change?

Our Leadership & Innovation program helps you develop leadership skills to transform your organization. 

Hosted online Daemen faculty, you will learn more about our Leadership & Innovation M.S.,  and speak directly to faculty and admissions staff who can help answer your questions.

Join us for one of our Leadership and Innovation Virtual Info Sessions. 

Each session begins at 6:00 p.m. EST. 

The interdisciplinary Master's degree in Leadership and Innovation at Daemen emphasizes communication, teamwork, and creative problem-solving. Students will develop leadership abilities through a blend of in-person and online learning to meet a variety of issues.



  • Business
  • Health Professions
  • Higher Education
  • Social Impact Organizations
For more information, text (716) 271-0454 or email admissions@daemen.edu.