Daemen University Physical Therapy Research Symposium
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Spring/Summer 2023 Edition

Dr. Jennifer Scheid
ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® Paper of the Year: "Fitness Watches and Nutrition Apps: Behavioral Benefits and Emerging Concerns". Presented at American College of Sport Medicine’s (ACSM) 2022 Annual Meeting, in San Diego, CA on June 3, 2022. This paper was presented at the Symposium - American College of Sports Medicine Journals: Three Years in Review.
1st and 2nd Place Research Awards for Daemen Student & Faculty
At the 2022 Meeting and Conference of Network In Aging of Western New York, both first and second place awards were earned by Daemen students and faculty. The annual event is open to all WNY university and college students who are involved in research or literature reviews on issues relevant to aging in society.
The awards included
First place research award — Daemen Student Research Group Project: The Effects of COVID-19 on Interprofessional Collaboration between Physical Therapists and Registered Nurses in Home Health Care. Benjamin Lepkowski, Daemen PT student, with collaborators Spencer Cushman, SPT, Joseph Losapio, SPT, and Thao Nguyen, SPT; and faculty advisor assistant professor Mike Seils.
Second place research award — Mike Seils, assistant professor for physical therapy: Perceptions & Engagement of Interprofessional Collaboration between Registered Nurses and Physical Therapists in a Home Health Care setting (dissertation topic by Dr. Mike Seils).
PT Evidence Based Practice Clinical Research Symposium
The recent Evidence Based Clinical Practice Research Symposium, held on Saturday, December 10, 2022, showcased our graduating class of 2023 DPT student research and findings, all in collaboration with a physical therapy faculty member. Over 300 students, faculty, clinicians, family, and friends attended the event.
The large gathering connected the Daemen Physical Therapy Program with the community, as well as local practicing physical therapists who had the opportunity to earn four continuing education credits. The students showcased their findings on a wide variety of topics that represented multiple practice patterns in the physical therapy profession. Dean Elizabeth Wright gave the keynote address titled, "The 5 Habits of the Successful Professional" and gave an inspiring message to the students.
Academic Athletes? Is There an Association with the Subscales of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2 Revised) and Performance on an Objective Structured Practical Exam in First-year Graduate-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Students?
Annie Willsey, SPT; Samantha Hanes, SPT; Brandon Brusino, SPT; Phil Huang, SPT; Brennan Bailey, SPT; Alexis Villarrubia, SPT; Hannah Ososki, SPT; Jake Van Wart, SPT; Christian Rizzolo, SPT; Jennifer Bogulski, PT, DPT, OCS, and Laura Favaro, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS
Are backwards gait speed and standardized walking obstacle course performance able to discriminate fallers from non-fallers in persons with Parkinson's disease?
Christina Reville, SPT; Julia Sirotnak, SPT; Sereena George, SPT; Kaitlyn Clark, SPT; Christian Smardz, SPT; and Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS
Blood Flow Restriction Training Instruction in Entry-Level Physical Therapy Programs
Grace Cook, SPT; Jaelah George, SPT; Eric Levin, SPT; David Mackey, SPT; and Greg Ford, PT, DPT, PhD
Burnout Across Clinician Career (BACC Study): The Prevalence and Cause of Anxiety, Depression and Burnout in Graduate Physical Therapy Students, Practicing Physical Therapists, and Practicing Physical Therapist Assistants
Neomi Brereton, SPT; Adam Fabricius, SPT; Kavya Jacob, SPT; Lauren Masters, SPT; Shachi Mehta, SPT; Brenden Meier, SPT; Michael Swiniarski, SPT; Jason Walkowiak, SPT; Ryan Boggs, PT, DPT, DSc; and Theresa Kolodziej PT, DPT, PhD
Factors Associated with Hospitalization in Patients Seen in a Home Health Care Setting
Amanda Bushway, SPT; Chu Han Hsu, SPT; Nicholas Jodush, SPT; Nicholas Matibag, SPT; Michael Ross, DHSc, PT; and Michael Seils, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS
Factors that Influence Recent Physical Therapy Graduates Involvement in the Clinical Education Experience
Jared Marrano, SPT; Matt Stanton, SPT; Erin Crosby, SPT; and Michael Policella, PT, DPT, OCS
Psychosocial Insights into the Male and Female Athlete Triad: Association of the Triad with Anxiety in D2 Collegiate Athletes
Sabrina Basile, SPT; Mason Loar, SPT; Niko Ryan, SPT; Matt Taylor, SPT; and Jennifer Scheid, PhD, CSCS
The Correlation Between the Dizziness Handicap Inventory, Neck Disability Index and Return to Sport as Determined by the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test in High School and College Athletes
Kristen Bull, SPT; Mckenzie Byrd, SPT; Nicholas Hernandez, SPT; Thomas Riniolo, SPT; Anthony Surace, MEd, ATC; Lynn Matthews, ATC, DPT, FAAOMPT; and Margaux Lojacono PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, cert.MDT
The Effects of COVID-19 on Interprofessional Collaboration between PTs and RNs in Home Health Care
Spencer Cushman, SPT; Benjamin Lepkowski, SPT; Joseph LoSapio, SPT; Thao Nguyen, SPT; and Michael Seils, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS
The Effects of Wearable Technology on Health Behaviors
Grace Caltagirone, SPT; Phillip Ilievski, SPT; Kaylyn Vaillancourt, SPT; Richard Vasquez, SPT; and Jennifer Scheid, PhD, CSCS
The Relationship between Non-Cognitive Factors and Academic Success of Graduate Students in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Alayna Salzler, SPT; Matt King, SPT; Savannah Meyers, SPT; Christina Stasiuk, SPT; Jennifer Priore, PT, DPT, MS, PCS; and Margaret Mazzone, PT, PhD
The Relationship Between Performance on the Pediatric Balance Scale and the Pediatric Balance Scale - Second Edition in Children Ages 2-13
Ali Greenwood, SPT; Amanda Klubek, SPT; Mekenna Leid, SPT; Adriana Reed, SPT; and Mary Rose Franjoine, PT, DPT, MS C/NDT, PCS
Tolerance of Uncertainty and Academic Success In Doctor of Physical Therapy Graduates
Marissa Dalio, SPT; Ariel Felice, SPT; Sarah Nader-Marcus, SPT; Savannah Warner, SPT; Meagan Welsh, SPT; and Margaret Mazzone, PT, PhD
Yellow Flag Beliefs of Physical Therapists Treating Patients with Low Back Pain
Christopher Labonte, SPT; Skylar Kennedy, SPT; Matthew McGuire, SPT; Mackenzie Tubbs, SPT; and Michael Ross, DHSc, PT
Combined Sections Meeting 2023 Faculty & Student Presenters
Academic Success and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Recent Doctor of Physical Therapy Graduates
Jennifer Priore, PT and Margaret Ann Mazzone, PT, PhD
Assessing Psychosocial Risk with the Yellow Flag Risk Form
Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc; Ronald J. Schenk, PT, PhD; Joseph Michael Lorenzetti, PT, DPT, MS; and Jane Sy-Siong Borgehammar, PT
Blood Flow Restriction Training Instruction in Entry-Level Physical Therapy Programs
Greg Ford, PT, DPT, PhD; Grace Cook, SPT; Jaelah George, SPT; Eric Levin, SPT; and David Steven Mackey, SPT
Clinical Decision-Making Skills Concerning Musculoskeletal Imaging in Doctor of Physical Therapy Students
Troy Raymond Burley, PT, PhD; Catherine Bryson, SPT; Jeremy Austin March, SPT; Erin Baughn, SPT; Haley Nichols, SPT; Thomas Bullard, SPT; and Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc
Core Competencies in Occupational Health for Entry-Level Physical Therapists
Joshua Prall, PT, DPT, EdD; Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc; Michael L. Fink, PT, DSc; Todd Eldon Davenport, PT, DPT, MPH; and Marc A. Campo, PT, PhD
Effect of the COVID19 Pandemic on Perceived Success and Academic Performance in Physical Therapy Students
Jennifer Ann Bogulski, PT, DPT; Brianna Nicole Hill, PT, DPT; Kathleen E. Nablo, PT, DPT; Adam Christopher Rapp-Dimino, PT, DPT; Laura Elizabeth Toth, PT, DPT; Theresa A. Kolodziej, PT, DPT, PhD; and Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc
Examining Effects of Otitis Media on Children's Balance Using the PBS-2
Mary Rose Franjoine, PT, DPT, MS; Cathey P. Norton, PT, DPT; Nancy Sue Darr, PT, DSc; and Brenda Young, PhD
Getting a Clear View of Imaging Content in Physical Therapist Educational Curricula
Charles Hazle, PT, PhD; Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc; Lynn N. McKinnis, PT, DPT; Aimee B. Klein, PT, DPT, DSc; Dale A. Gerke, PT,MPT, ScD; and Kimiko Ann Yamada, PT, DPT
Improved Function Following High Dose Endurance Training in an Individual with Parkinson’s Disease
Lisa Ida-Marie Inglis, PT, DPT and Julia Sirotnak, SPT
Medical Screening Skills and Beliefs of Physical Therapy Clinical Instructors
Brian A. Young, PT, DSc; John D. Heick, PT, DPT, PhD; and Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and EDX in the Differential Evaluation of Cervical Spine and Shoulder Pathology
Beshoy Ghaly, PT, DPT; Dustin Lea Arthur, PT, DPT; and Ryan Gregory Boggs, PT, DPT, DSc
Outcomes Associated with Applying the Ottawa Ankle and Foot Rules in Physical Therapist Practice
Joshua Prall, PT, DPT, EdD and Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc
The Ability & Confidence of Physical Therapy Students to Screen for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Laura Miller Favaro, PT, DPT; Nicole Marie Bang, PT, DPT; Andrew Kneussle, PT, DPT; Stanley S. Kurian, PT, DPT; Hunter D. Peterson, PT, DPT; Patrick Michael Wrobel, PT, DPT; and Jennifer Ann Bogulski, PT, DPT
The Yellow Flag Risk Form and Outcomes in Patients with Low Back Pain
Ronald J. Schenk, PT, PhD; Joseph Lorenzetti, PT, DPT, MS; and Michael D. Ross, PT, DHSc