One major difference is the number of credits between initial/professional (min. 39 credits) and professional (30 credits). Also, students enrolled in initial/professional will have to student teach again.
Please refer to the certificate requirement website.
As of 2005, you have five years to complete your master’s degree from the time you secure your certification from New York State. Please refer to the certificate requirement website to search for other requirements.
It is possible. Please refer to the NYSED extension website.
For preparation information please visit the NYSTCE preparation website.
Also, from time to time, we hear of special preparation classes. If you know of any, let one of the faculty members know and we will send an email to all education students via the list-serve.
When you apply to student teach, on the application there is a section asking for the name and contact information for someone you are requesting to student teach with. We try to honor this, but sometimes this may not work out. But we do our best.
Please visit the NYSED fingerprinting website for information.
Please visit the following NYSED SAVE website for information.
Please visit the child abuse website for information.
Please visit the following NYSED DASA website for information.
Refer to the NYSED certification website.
Also, information can be found at the NYSED website.
Helpful Websites
Name of Website | Website Address |
New York State Teacher Certification Exams | |
Certification From Start to Finish | |
Finger Printing FAQS | |
SAVE Certification | |
Child Abuse Certification | |
DASA Certification | |
NYS Certification Testing Preparation Guides | |
Search Certification Requirements | |
Chalk and Wire ePortfolio System | |
Swivl (robotic video recording device) | |